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Pledge Breaks-
Tell us about it. We want to help and will feature charitable events and fundraiser links from time to time.

Energy Boosts to Keep Going
Coffee or a diet coke may not be the best choice—plain water might be what you need.

Stop working and have more fun
Feel Well Tip—Working 24/7 is bad for your health--but what can you do about it and why should you?

Wedding Bliss (or how to keep everyone happy at a wedding!)
Don't fight. When family and friends have divergent views, or are from different cultures or religions, you ...

Do kids know how to play?
If you're wondering how much screen time is too much, read how important it is to get the kids outside.

Carry on Rowing
Everyone gives lip service to perseverance and determination--seeing it in action is inspiring..

Getting Fit and Healthy
Agnes believes that “we live in a time where we have to be our own healthy living advocates and understand that the more we invest into our health ...

Yummy (& healthy!) vegetarian recipes
Check the Vegetarian Detective for tasty & good for you recipes. Be warned, once you get into the archives, you’ll be heading to the kitchen or the grocery store.

Living Healthy
Any time is a good time to reflect on the random choices we make daily that affect our health and longevity.